
Monday, July 6, 2009

Independance Weekend Adventures

Still making the most of our time here in NYC. Friday afternoon Atticus and I went to a new playground in Central Park called Heckscher Playground. Atticus played on the swings for the first time in a while and he was laughing up a storm. It was awesome. I wish I had the video camera with me because he was just giggly giggly. Granted, part of the giggling was aimed at the cutie patootie little curly haired girl next to him (her name was Roxy!).

Saturday, we took another subway adventure down to Battery Park. One of the most interesting things was a sculpture called The Sphere. As we were walking up to it, I remarked that it looked sort of like a world. Well, it used to a sculpture of the world - located at the Twin Towers until September 11. It was relocated to Battery Park with an eternal flame after the attacks. On a happier note, we also saw some incredible street performers doing crazy acrobatics on the concrete! Flips, back handsprings, jumping over bystanders, etc. It was nuts -- there was one guy who I swear had 0% body fat. You could see every freaking muscle in his torso. Seriously. No joke. I should have taken a picture. There was also live music in the park. Quite a large crowd actually for Conor Oberst and The Mystic Valley Band. It was a beautiful day -- and it was the closest I've been to the Statue of Liberty. Greg took a picture where it looks like the statue is coming out of my head. I'll upload it to Picassa later today. We did miss the annual hot dog eating contest out at Coney Island... but I think that's OK. We also got a little bit of video of Atti on the swings at the park there, but alas - not nearly as smiley or giggly as the day before.

We tried to keep Atticus up for the fireworks display, but alas - he crashed about 8:20pm. That ended up being OK -- and the little man slept through the entire evening. The fireworks in NYC were the biggest production in the country this year. They took place on the Hudson River in honor of Henry Hudson's exploration of the river 400 years ago. There were 6 barges on the river with a total of 22 tons of fireworks. That's nuts! We were able to watch the entire show from the 48th floor of Greg's office building. It was an incredible sight to see. From our vantage point, we could also see fireworks all over New Jersey in the background. Really cool. Greg pointed out down on the pier The Intrepid which is an air craft carrier that has been turned into a flight museum. That was the hub for all the live music and activities on the 4th.

Sunday, we were going a little stir crazy in the house again. Originally, I'd hoped to head to Central Park to see my friend Stewart perform in A Comedy of Errors in the park, but there wasn't a performance due to the holiday weekend. Bummer. We'll have to go this weekend. Instead, we took a stroll to see the Intrepid which we'd seen from Greg's office. We didn't go into the museum this time -- there was quite the line and Atticus was hot and tired. We'll have to reschedule the museum. One random thing we noticed on our walk from the apartment to the pier is that we walked past where they film the Jon Stewart's The Daily Show. It's a non-descript building over on 11th Ave. Not anywhere close to anything cool in the city... guess he's not that important just yet?? He's still funny though.

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