
Wednesday, July 15, 2009


We were totally New Yorkers last night. I thought I was going to either cough up a lung or run out of tissue -- but we survived.

Greg took off first to meet our friends Mark and Kylie in Central Park for the free Philharmonic Concert. Mark had sent an email detailing where he'd camped out with the blanket -- and it seemed relatively straightforward. And yet... do you recall the last post where I mentioned how utterly confusing central park can be? OK, now add in 30,000 people -- oh yes -- 30,000 people, dogs, babies, strollers, blankets, wine, food, port-o-potties and general mayhem. Greg was relatively lucky and found Mark relatively easily -- which was good since there were so many people there that cell coverage was nonexistent. And then, I arrived about 45 minutes after Greg and Atticus, arriving about 10 minutes before the show was due to start. It was INSANE. There were sooooooo many people and the police weren't letting people into the center path which is where I needed to be... so I was trying to get in from the side and stepping over people, etc. It was a zoo. By this point it's getting dark and I still have no idea where Greg, Atticus, Mark and Kylie are located. Almost an hour after I'd been wandering Kylie was able to get through to me on her cell phone and with the help of Mark (and ducking some police officers as I jumped a metal fence) I finally made it over to the crew. Phew. Next time - we're all going together! Either that, or coughing up the $150 a ticket to see the show indoors! Ha. But, the concert was beautiful out on the lawn under the stars... and it ended with a small fireworks show. Totally awesome.

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