
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Creative Play

So I woke up still feeling like total #$%* -- but there's not alot you can do about that when you're taking care of a baby! So... I convinced myself to get out of bed and start the day.

Atticus and I walked down to drop off the dry cleaning, over to Dunkin Donuts to grab a coffee and then were headed back to the apartment when I walked past Bump to Baby. They were offering a drop in Creative Play class for infants ages 5months - 14 months from Noon to 1pm. Well I thought... if he's not asleep -- we'll give it a whirl.

As luck would have it, little man didn't take a morning nap, so I packed him up and headed over to the play class. It was a lot of fun. $25 for the class which seems a bit steep -- but it was fun. We jumped, danced, swung all around (is that a word?)... played with these really cool egg shaker things (I need to look for them, Atti really liked them), chased a million little bubbles, danced some more, sang some songs and had a mini puppet show to Old MacDonald... played with a parachute and then had a little free for all with balls, and stacking toys, foam blocks etc. I think Atticus really did have fun - especially with the shake shake shake toys! I met a really nice mom, Lindsey, who lives up by the park... she told me there's a group that meets at Hecksher Playground normally at 5 pm for a bit, just before dinner and bedtime. I may have to give that a whirl too. Right now, Atticus is sleeping soundly in the other room! I think we finally wore him out!

I still need to get to the grocery store today -- but otherwise, for now, I'm going to sign off and see if I can't catch a bit of a nap too before little man wakes up!

Tomorrow is the Cravath Zoo Party aka Atticus's First Birthday Party. Well, that's what I'm calling it anyways!! Once again a busy week filled with all kinds of adventures!

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