
Friday, July 17, 2009

Who Do You Help?

The economy sucks. Everyone is trying to cut expenses. Everyone I know wants to help when they can - but where do you start?

Greg and I both donate to our Alma Mater (The University of Texas at Austin and Texas A&M). I just donated through our company's annual Food Drive. I give to causes that have meaning to me - Jewish Federation, Leukemia, Multiple Sclerosis, March of Dimes. I can't always afford to give to all of these every year, but we do what we can.

I have big plans to clean out the house when we get back to Austin and donate to Goodwill and the Salvation Army. That was the first thought. But... after reading on my friend Jen's blog about the state of her students and others in Namibia -- I may pack up a box or two to send to Africa instead. And think of the difference you can make by sponsoring an orphan so they can continue their education! Isn't that Oprah's theory? Teach the kids - it's a gift that will keep on giving because it starts a chain. Anyways - if you're feeling inspired, donate to a cause that means something to you. And if you're feeling extra generous - check out Jen's Blog here and know that any contribution you make to her will go literally, every dollar, to the kids in need.

I hope Greg and I are able to raise Atticus to lead a responsible life and help when he can. It truly is a good thing. Donate your time, your mind, your skills and if possible... give a little money to a charity you believe in that allows others to continue paying it forward.

1 comment:

April Seeds said...

Just read your friend's Jen's blog and I think my friend Julia is doing the same program. I would love to get them in contact if possible. Julia leaves for Africa in Jan.