
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Belated 1 Year Stats

Last Friday was Atti's one year checkup. Good timing too, since the little man had developed a slight cold, a bit of a rash and was feeling a bit grumpy leading up to the appointment. I felt like such a bad Mom! Poor guy had an ear infection and a pretty bad case of eczema in addition to the cold and the teething.

He was given some steroid cream for the rash - which is doing wonders and a prescription for the ear infection. I thought he would like the ear meds - it smells sticky sweet, but Atticus is NOT a fan. Since it's a 10 day script, we've still got several days of trying to get it down. Ugh.

The rest of the appointment went relatively well. (Except for the part where Atti went tinkle tinkle little star all over Greg and Dr. Owens.)

Weight: 24 lbs 8 oz (I would swear he's heavier) 75% Percentile
Height: 31 inches 90% Percentile
FOC: (head circumference): 46.1 50% Percentile

He's right on target for most of the developmental milestones. He's drinking from a sippy cup - and from a straw. He can bang two blocks together, pick up small objects with his fingers, wave bye-bye and throw a ball. He's walking more and more everyday too. We're definitely entering the stage of separation anxiety though... we're in an "all Mama all the time" stage right now and it's a bit exhausting. If I leave the room for even a moment (even if Greg's in the room) he starts to cry and/or follow me.

We go back for an ear follow up appointment in a week and a half and I'm going to ask about running the blood test to check his lead levels and definitely see if the doc has any ideas about the non-napping. That is really wearing on everyone. It's hard to work when you can hear your child in the other room just wailing... I'll let you know what we find out!

Poor guy was so stinking pooped today after screaming for almost 2 hours this afternoon that he completely skipped dinner and bath and just passed out. No joke. I'm now afraid he's going to wake up at the crack of dawn -- but he was sound asleep at 10 till 7. Guess I should have started with the nap training a little earlier...now I know.

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