
Saturday, August 15, 2009

To sleep or not to sleep

That is the question. The good news is that Atticus has slept through the night for two nights in a row. I'm talking down at 7:30 and not a peep out of him until 6:30 am. In his own crib! In his own room! This is a miracle, and I hope it continues.

The bad news, he's refusing to nap. He "normally" napped around 10 or 10:30. We can tell he's tired, so either me, Greg, or Andrea (depending on the day) would take him to his room when we noticed the first yawn or eye rub. We sit in the rocker, read a story, see the droopy eyes and then move Atti to the crib. (Same routine from the evenings....) Except - the eyes fly open and he then stands and screams for an hour.

Ok, maybe we try for a one nap strategy. A long one from 1-3??? I would be OK with that too. So, after an hour of screaming, we retrieve Atticus. We play, eat lunch, and try again. Same results. An hour of screaming and we cave.

So just now, because I know how flipping tired he is, we walk around the block and he's asleep before we even reach the corner! So... We're sitting on the front porch & I'm deciding how long to sit here before we start melting. I guess since I can see beads of sweat on the little man's nose, it's time to go inside.


Sent from my cool new iPhone!

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