
Monday, January 25, 2010

Atticus Update

Surgery went well. Atti was a trooper. All was well until nap time. Go figure. I told him it was nap time and things started out great... he went to the front door and grabbed his nap mat which was ready to take back to "school" tomorrow. I tried laying the mat down in his room. It almost worked. Then, I tried putting him in the crib. Then I tried putting the nap mat IN the crib. 45 minutes of screaming later - I decided it wasn't going to happen. I knew that he was exhausted, so I strapped Atticus into the "big" stroller and took off walking around the neighborhood. About a mile and half or so into the walk (maybe 2 miles?) he finally fell asleep. I walked for a bit longer, then pulled up in front of the house and just let him sleep in the stroller for a while. But... he woke up SCREAMING! I got everything inside the house, grabbed Atti and it took a while to calm him down. I sat on the sofa with him in my lap and poof - he fell asleep again for another hour plus! But, then woke up SCREAMING again. I'm talking waking up clawing at me, legs kicking, the works. I'm not sure what was going on - lingering effects from the drugs? Bad dreams? It took a little bit, but then he was right back to happy go-lucky little man. Let's hope it stays that way!

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