
Sunday, January 17, 2010


I seem to spend a lot of time thinking about, reading about, talking about, discussing, pondering, worrying about (you get the idea) SLEEP. I'm sure I'm not the first parent to do this - but man, it's time consuming.

The good news is that we've had two great days of napping and pretty good night time sleep. Yesterday, I had to wake Atticus up from a 3 hour nap in order to make it to our photo shoot. Today, we let him sleep - and he napped, no joke, 3 hours and 45 minutes. That's a record even for Atti!

Let's hope that good daytime sleep = good night time sleep. The guy could use it.

And on a totally unrelated note - dude - what's going on with the allergies? Even with Claritin, I can hardly breathe and my nose is running like there's no tomorrow. It's really freaking annoying. I'm hoping this is just allergies....

And even more unrelated - Martin Scorscese has some crazy eyebrows! (Got the Golden Globes on in the background....)

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