
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Tubes and Cedar Fever

Atticus is getting tubes tomorrow morning at 8:30am. Poor guy has pretty much had an ear infection since we got home from NYC and nothing is helping him... Fingers crossed that all goes well and that the tubes allow the fluid to drain and little man will be WAY more comfortable!

In addition to the constant ear aches, he and I both are suffering from Cedar Fever. It's awful. Runny nose, hacking cough, wheezing feeling in your chest... Greg actually took Atticus into the doctor yesterday (Saturday) just to confirm that it wasn't something worse. Atti has been coughing so hard that he turns bright red and tears run down his face. I feel so terrible - but I'm doing the exact same thing. It feels alot like asthma symptoms, except for the constant cough. Just plain miserable.

So, I think I may join the local "cut down all cedar trees" movement. I'm not normally for destroying innocent trees for my own personal gain - but dudes, I can't freaking breathe! And I'm afraid all my coughing is going to wake the finally sleeping baby! Atti has been coughing so much during the day that he's only managed to nap for a 20 minutes yesterday a for about 40 today. Search and destroy all cedar trees. That works for me.

1 comment:

Cari said...

AGREED! I wondered if I could actually pray away all the existing cedar trees in Austin...I'll let you know how it goes! (er, or our bodies will!) Here's hoping they get better soon!!