
Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I need to look back at the blog to see when the cankles started before Atticus arrived. Hopefully it was several weeks before his arrival! Greg and I are suddenly becoming more overwhelmed with the timing of #2. We should have reconsidered our planning about 8 months ago!! Oops. Too late now - but we are starting to freak out a bit. Seminar papers, finals, maternity leave instructions, graduation, moving quotes, looking for new daycare/nannies -- it's a lot to take in over the next few weeks.

And, I suppose we really should go to the storage unit and get the actual physical things we'll need for the baby!! Clothes, burp clothes, car seat... YIKES! The other pseudo stresser is that with my Grandparents moving into their apartment (and out of their house) we don't really have a plan B for guests. So - if #2 comes early - we're kind of up a creek! Our house isn't well suited for visitors -- but there's no way that I can handle everything by myself if baby comes before Greg's completed papers and school. And, having family camped out in the living room isn't all that conducive to finishing school for Greg. So -- where exactly does that leave us? Perhaps begging for mercy with my friend Deanna who's in the process of moving to Austin. Why Deanna? She and her husband work for the Hyatt's Lost Pines Resort just outside of town. I've been itching to go there actually for a weekend away with Greg. Golf course, lazy river, spa, etc -- it looks absolutely stunning. Maybe I can swing a few day stay for an old friend and her family? :-) We'll see.

Ok... well, now I'm off to search my archives for cankles and tackle a bit more work before calling it a night. I'm oddly awake this evening...

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