
Monday, April 26, 2010

It's Leaking

First the washing machine. Then this morning I find a strange little bit of water in the bathroom. I wiped it up, and thought nothing of it really - figured the cat was trying to cough up a hairball or something. A couple hours later, I return to the bathroom and see more water. Hmmm, I open up the cabinets and am greeted by a thin layer of watery ick. FABULOUS. The good news of course is that our amazing landlords were already on their way to Austin. The bad news - most everything that wasn't in some sort of plastic bag is now in the trash behind the house. It wasn't alot of stuff -- and honestly, most of it probably needed to go... but just try to picture a 9 month pregnant woman on the floor of the bathroom trying to mop up the mess, pull stuff out from under the sink and then try to stand back up! It wasn't graceful.

I suppose the other upside is that it wasn't the cat throwing up -- apparently she only did that yesterday on the freshly dry cleaned sofa cushions. Sigh. Only two cushions had to go back to the cleaners....

Now I'm off to attempt to work like a mad woman and make some progress on my to-do list both for work and for home. There is a mountain of stuff that needs to happen before Baden #2 decides there's much more room outside than inside! I do have my "official" 36 week check with the doctor tomorrow. Hopefully he can tell me what the large hard object just below my belly button is. I'm thinking it's a shoulder or something -- but I'm afraid to try and push or wiggle the baby for fear of causing early labor!! 25 days until the EDD, but we're hoping little one stays put until graduation ceremonies are complete. :-) We'll see.....

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