
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Motherhood and the $13 Billion Guilt

Found this article interesting. I know not everyone wants to breastfeed and that for some new moms, they simply can not for medical or other underlying reasons. A happy healthy baby is by all means the end goal. I don't think anyone should be made to feel guilty.

But -- the second scenario is most likely way too familiar for most...

My experience with Atticus was somewhere in the middle. I'm actually more nervous about this birth, which is a little funny since we're delivering in a brand new "women's wing" of the hospital. I did learn however that they don't do the bath in the room. Baby has to go to the nursery. I'm going to try and fight them on that one... we'll see how it goes. As long as they wait to clamp and cut the cord and I get the first couple of minutes with just me and baby -- I'll be pretty happy.


Laura Hadd said...

Very interesting article.

Nicole Bernstein said...

Wow - this article certainly made me think about things that I would have NEVER thought of before.

At least now I know what a Doula is :-)