
Friday, April 23, 2010

Busy Weekend Ahead

We're supposed to have a great weekend ahead of us. That's good news. The to-do list is at least a mile long.

Crepes with friends tomorrow morning. I know - you're jealous. YUM!
Law Review Banquet with Supreme Court Justice Scalia tomorrow night.
Girls Movie Night on Sunday -- we're off to see The Best Worst Movie at the Drafthouse.

Oh - and a few loads of laundry, a trip to the grocery store, shopping for a little man "potty", trying to figure out the Cord Blood Registry thing, packing a bag for the hospital, running by the vet to pick up more meds for Peanut (nothing new - just continuing on the current course), perhaps stopping by the maternity/nursing store, drugstore/Target for some more diaper/tush cream (seems we went through a TON this week), return a thing to Costco, call my S-I-L to say Thank You, upload some photos and video from the camera to Picasa/You Tube... OY VEY!

That paragraph is really just for my own reference later - so I can make sure I've done everything I'm supposed to...

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