
Monday, April 19, 2010

Water, Water

Poor Atticus has a raw tush. I feel awful. He can't walk, he keeps looking at me with big blue eyes and saying "owie" and "Mommy".

So, when I picked him up and brought him home this afternoon, I wanted to put some of the medicated spray on his tush. After many tears and owies, I got him to lay still on the changing table. I sprayed and was just letting him lay still for a while when we got the first tinkle tinkle little star. He hasn't actually done that since he was a baby! No biggie - carefully wipe it all up and let him continue to sit/lay diaper free. Finally decide he has to get up so we can eat dinner, etc, so I re-diaper him as loosely as possible.

Fast forward. Greg and I decide to risk the tinkle and let him be diaper free for the 15 minutes or so until bath time. Sure enough, after a few minutes of playing in his room, he starts to pee. But the funny part is he looks down at the floor and says, "water, water!". Greg and I start to laugh, I go run to get some paper towels, etc. As I'm walking back in the room the I hear Atticus let out a big toot. If that weren't enough to get me moving quicker, Greg says, "Oh G-d!". I nearly passed out from laughing so hard. Thankfully it was a false alarm - nothing but air, but holy moly did we laugh. Atticus saw us laughing so hard and even he was giggling although he had no clue why!!

We're hoping the combination of the spray and the Aquaphor starts to do the trick. If it's still red and raw tomorrow, I may move onto other recommended home remedies. For now, we're mostly sticking to the BRAT diet and doing all we can to clear up the raw bottom. Poor baby. I wish I could stay home and just let him drape over my legs with his tush in the air all day... of course, I don't know how long we could get him to sit still -- but if you saw how he's walking, he might stay still for longer than normal.

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