
Friday, May 14, 2010

39 Weeks

Who would have guessed that I'd still be pregnant at 39 weeks? And yet -- so far, this little one has made no effort to greet the big bad world. Seriously -- they've got it good at the moment, I wouldn't be in a big rush either I suppose.

So - I'm torn. I'm really ready to be done being pregnant. Standing up is getting difficult, getting in and out of the car is difficult, bending over to pick up a gallon of milk at the grocery store (because they had to put skim on the bottom and then sell out of the front row) is getting difficult, etc. On the other hand -- Greg had his last final today, woot woot, which means we're down to the light at the end of the tunnel. All that's left is the seminar paper. I know - no small task, but we're sooooo close. I'd love to give Greg 4 days of uninterrupted writing time to crank out the paper.

My mom is driving down tomorrow to help chase Atticus around and to be on hand if/when labor does finally start. I'm not exactly sure what she'll do while I'm at work and Atticus is at school during the week -- but I'm sure I can come up with a list of helpful things! Maybe I can convince her to do some research on moving companies and compare quotes, etc. Doesn't that just sound like FUN? :) There is alot still to do around the house, so it will definitely be nice to have a helping hand.

Maybe if the weather holds up tomorrow we'll check in with my cousins who just moved into their new house! I'm dying to see the house and all the new flower beds and the veggie garden! And, we may pop over to visit my Grandparents too -- they always love to see Atticus even if he runs around like a 2 year old! I think Atti has already met about a dozen of their new neighbors at Parmer Woods!!

Lots of possibilities for the weekend if #2 stays put. We'll see what's in store...

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