
Monday, June 28, 2010


Seems to be quite topic of discussion lately.

I cut a hunk of mine off this past Friday. And, since I haven't colored my hair in a year or so - all that's left is my natural hair color. That hasn't happened in years. Many, many, many years. :) My hair has gotten much darker with each passing year. Bummer. But I think the current cut and color look pretty good. There may be a picture or two from Wren's naming this past weekend -- I'll see.

Greg's hair is longer than it's ever been. EVER. It all started a couple months ago when he was so busy studying for finals and writing papers that he didn't have time to get to the salon/barber. I've always liked it a little longer so he humored me and didn't get it cut when the little curls began at the nape of his neck. Then a funny thing happened - several of his classmates and a few local friends started commenting on how good his hair looked. So -- he has let it continue to grow. I love it --but I'm not sure how much longer (ha ha) Greg will last before he heads to the barber. I'm hoping we can convince him to keep in a little longer than his usual clipper cut going forward. There are some recent pictures of Greg and Wren in the June folder. (Just don't mind the bleary eyes -- studying for the BAR exam with a newborn in the house has taken it's toll...)

Wren has alot of hair for a newborn so I'm told. Everyone seems to tell me so. Friends, the nurses at the pediatrician's office, strangers at the grocery store, the teachers at Atti's daycare (you get the picture). Friends and family keep asking if Atticus had that much hair -- or if it was that dark when he was born. Pretty much yes and yes.

Here's an early shot of me with Atticus:
From July 2008

And one of Wren's first photos from the hospital:
From May 2010

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