
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Comings and Goings

Wow. We've been pretty darn busy since the last update -- lots to tell y'all about!

We've been to playgroup over at Diane and Eleanora's house. Atticus has also started saying Eleanora... we've only heard it a couple of times, but he gave me a big ole smile when he said it. :)

Saturday, July 3 - we headed over to my cousin's house for her daughter's 4th birthday party. Atticus had a blast with the balloons (I think he set the majority of them "free" towards the ceiling) and ate his body weight in watermelon. He also chased Zoe, Paige and some new friends around the house. :) That night, was a treat for me. I met up with my friend Angie (who's a nurse at our pediatrician's office) and another long lost friend, Christina and her family. I hadn't seen Christina since high school graduation just over 17 years ago. CRAZY! We met up at Mozart's for some music, coffee, and catching up. It was a great night out for me.

We had a wonderful impromptu playdate with the Wallace Family on the 4th of July. It was wonderful to see my dear friend Jeanne - even for a couple of hours and catch up. Atticus had an absolute ball playing in their backyard. I was impressed watching him assert his independence climbing the ladder and going down the slide! I had actually entertained the idea of letting Atticus stay up late to watch fireworks, but after some outside playtime - he was wiped out. Atti even asked me if he could go to bed as soon as he got out of the bath. We had just sat down to read a story, when he wiggled off my lap, went over to his bed, looked at me and said "nap". He was pooped!

On Monday, July 5, the kids and I packed up and went to meet Diane and Eleanora at the Dino Pit! I can't believe this was our first trip there -- it's sooooo cool! Of course, by 10:30 it was already starting to feel like a steam bath outside. We headed indoors where the kids checked out some indoor fossils and a cave. Atticus ran in circles (literally) in and out of the cave. There was a minor rock throwing incident - and a time out in the middle of the Austin Nature and Science Center, but overall a good time.

At the end of the week, I packed up the kids and headed to Plano to visit my folks for a few days and give Greg some quiet study time. Everyone is ready for the BAR prep and exam to be OVER! It's definitely been stressful. We ended up staying one extra night in order to give Greg just a little more time. While we were in Plano, Atticus kept showing more and more signs of his growing independence. He now takes his shorts off (and tries to pull them back on) by himself and he tells you "NO" when he wants to do something/anything by himself. He kept picking up the phone at my parents house too -- and when we asked who he wanted to call, it was either Milo, his friend from school (pronounced My-O) or Uncle Shawn (pronounced "Hawn"). He's in a "guy" phase lately - and if given his choice between Mom or Dad, it's going to be Dad, between Bubbe and Pops, it's Pops, etc. So Uncle Shawn coming over for a visit and coming to dinner with us was a big treat. Another treat -- and this probably makes me an awful parent, but what the hey... I let Atticus try a sip of my margarita at dinner. I dipped the straw into the glass about an inch or so and let him try my drink. He loved it! Figures -- he likes lemons and salty things, so it makes sense that he'd like the margarita. :)

We also took a quick trip to Buy Buy Baby while in Plano. I wanted to purchase a harness to use on the upcoming flight to Ohio. It's called CARES. Atticus will be over 2 years old for our fight to Ohio, so he needs his own seat. I don't think I could keep him in my lap now anyways!! I also don't think he'd sit very still in his carseat for a couple of hours, so I began researching alternatives. I came across the seatbelt/harness strappy thing which I think will work like a charm. Given our recent fascination with buckles - I figure we've got a good 30 minutes or so of entertainment built right into the harness!

As a side note - my engineering toddler has already figured out how to unbuckle his sister's car seat! Oy!

A few other firsts from last night... Greg brought home the activity mat for Wren from the storage unit. I had it set up in the living room when Atticus got home from school. When Greg asked him who used to use the mat, he said clear as a bell "ME". I was pretty impressed. He then proceeded to crawl under the arches to lay on the mat while proclaiming "under". Pretty awesome!

Well -- I think that pretty much gets everyone up to speed. It's been a busy couple of weeks. There are some new photos up on Picasa and more to come...

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