
Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Great Day

Today was a great day. Just an all around great day.

The morning started off with everyone in a generally good mood. Atticus played, Wren ate, breakfast was cooked... everyone got dressed and then we headed over to the Mason's house. Other than the kazillion mosquitos (I mean really - do mosquitos serve any purpose in the grand scheme of the universe?) we had a ball. Eleanora and Atticus were so freaking cute today. They were blowing bubbles (well, Atticus kept trying to eat the bubble wand), they were playing in the sandbox, they were running around the yard, they were pretending to nap in the middle of the living room, they were playing in a band (E on piano and A on the guitar), they sat at the table and ate lunch -- they were just happy and giggly toddlers. It was just a fantastic morning. Wren was a trooper through it all -- but she was not a fan of our time outside! (Even with the mosquito net over her carrier..)

On the way home, I told Atticus that when we got home we were going to do three things: change his diaper, read a book and take a nap. I repeated this several times as we were leaving and again in the car. When we got inside, I asked what we were going to do first and he said "diaper". Rock On! He followed me to his room and with very little fuss - we were able to get ready and settle down and nap. Halle-freaking-lu-jah! Wren went down for a nap and I chatted with an old friend for a while, did some laundry, uploaded a ton of pictures to Picasa, cleaned the kitchen a bit, and just when I was about to close my eyes... Atticus woke up. :) Atticus helped me move the laundry to the dryer and we climbed the steps the garage apartment behind the house so he could say hi to Otto, the puppy next door. To make the day a bit sweeter, Atticus was full of new words: tractor, pizza, computer & Otto! Four new words in one day! I've always heard that once it clicks, it clicks...

Today also happens to be Wren's 2 month birthday. Yeowzers. Two months? How did that happen? I actually failed to get her picture with her puppy on her one month birthday - OOPS, but hopefully we're back on track now. Her schedule is also getting a bit more predictable which is nice. Let's hope it stays predictable!

Greg is plugging along with his studies. He's actually requested to stay away one additional day since he's getting so much done. I'm thrilled his studying is going well - but ugh... I'm ready for him to come home. Of course, I agreed to let him stay in Dallas one more night, but it hasn't been easy to do this alone. I'm in awe of the millions of women (and men) who successfully handle parenthood single handedly! Shoot, I'm in awe of any family that manages more than 2 kids!

Well, it's after 10:30 pm and I still need to fold the laundry, get everything ready for "school" tomorrow, take a shower and finish cleaning up from dinner. Tomorrow is another busy day - I'm helping out at Atticus's daycare from 8:30-10:30 am, an exciting trip to the dentist around lunch time and then a much needed trip to Costco and HEB. Fun times...

On your mark, get set, GO!

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