
Friday, July 16, 2010


Atticus is growing up so fast... although we've had a couple of rough morning drop offs at daycare this week, he's managed to nap all week without "wooby"! This is HUGE. Granted, the minute I walk into his classroom to pick him up he says hi, gives me a hug and then promptly asks for wooby, but the fact that he's been able to nap without it I think is a pretty big accomplishment.

I've been toying with the idea that the paci gets lost in the move to Ohio. I'll let him hang onto the blanket portion of wooby for sleep - but I'd like to get away from paci... But, the move may be stressful enough as it is - should I torture him further by taking away his comfort item?

His evaluation this morning with ECI went well. It's a shame that we'll be moving in 2 weeks, but hopefully the coordinator here can help with the transition to Ohio. She's trying to find the reciprocal program for us there in Toledo... The therapists we met with this morning felt that we should start with communication and possibly some sensory and speech therapy. Atticus isn't terribly behind which is good news and is actually ahead of the curve in some areas. His fine motor skills are apparently quite good and the fact that he goes up and down stairs by himself one foot at a time is good too. All told, it was a good visit and I've already gotten some tips on how to improve communication and some of the sensory items. I know some people have a fear of having their child labeled in the school system if they've been "tested" or have had physical/occupational/speech etc therapy -- but I've decided if it helps my child get the most out of his day and he's learning better coping mechanisms for frustration and communication, then I'd rather he get assistance now and not worry about labels that might or might not affect him in 3 years...

1 comment:

April Seeds said...

Good for you! Don't let labels stop you from doing what is best for your child. Early intervention is key. You have no idea how many parents I deal with as a teacher that avoid therapy for fear of the "label" it is heartbreaking. Hope you guys are well.