
Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Apparently We've Been Booed.

It's a cute idea and a fun way to pay it forward. The neighbor who "booed" us apparently knows that we have a newborn and a toddler -- our bag of goodies included a sippy cup decorated with candy corn for Atticus and a Baby's First Halloween bib for Wren along with a fun jack-o-lantern bag filled with chocolates and goodies. This of course then begs the question -- who would ring the doorbell at 9:30 pm of a family with a 4 month old and a 2 year old?

We don't have a peep-hole in this door, so when the doorbell rang the first time, we ignored it thinking -- who in their right mind would ring the doorbell at 9:30pm on a Tuesday night? Then it rang again, so we went to the door... no one was there, but we did find the Boo package.

I'll have to get to the store soon to pick up supplies to keep the chain going. Granted... I've only met a few of the neighbors - but this does seem like fun and good hearted fun is hard to come by these days!

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