
Monday, October 18, 2010

Case of the Mondays

Wow. Some days, it's just not worth getting out of bed. Today might just be that day.

Let's start with the good news. Wren is 5 months old today and healthy and generally quite happy.

Now on to the rest of my day thus far...

Cat missing the litter box
Strong willed 2 year old
Forgetful husband
Distracted mommy

So, while trying to calm a screaming infant, clean up cat pee, find SOMETHING Atticus would eat for breakfast, get the napmat out of the dryer, put shoes on a flailing toddler... MacKenzie arrives to watch Wren. Yay! Help!

I wrangle Atticus (who is now wearing shoes) along with Tigger, some cheddar bunnies, his cell phone (one of Greg's old phones), woobie and the napmat all to the car. I calm Atticus back down because I pushed the button to open the garage door instead of letting him do it - squash him and all the "things" into the car, adjust the seat and the mirror and head off to daycare only 10 minutes behind schedule.

I carefully watch in the side view mirror as I back up to make sure I clear the garage wall. I'm just about to put the car into first gear to head out when CRUNCH. In my totally distracted state, I never looked back into my rearview and totally forgot about MacKenzie's car in the driveway. After a choice four letter word we're hoping Atticus doesn't repeat - I leapt out of the car and immediately went to look at Kenzie's car. Nothing. No sign of anything. Oh hallelujah - I mean, I was only going zero miles an hour, right? Then I look at my bumper. It looks like it got kicked in the corner by a 2000 pound elephant. Seriously.

It's not been 4 hours and I'm still a little sick to my stomach. I know it's just a car. I know it's an accident. I know no one was hurt. But Greg is going to have a canary when he finds out. I'm a little worried. I've already talked to insurance and I'm about to call the repair place.... but I swear ever since the day I met Greg, I've had the worst luck with cars. Oy.

This sucks.

And Wren has either some gassy issue and/or some teeth about to make their debut because she's been screeching for the past 3.5 hours. Today is not my day.

1 comment:

rhondadiane said...

Oh My Dear Sis! I'm feeling for you. And as for my Brother, he needs to understand that when accidents occur - and they WILL, for sure, over and over again - getting his undies in a bundle will definetly NOT help anything. So, he might as well keep an emergency 'chill pill' in his pocket for these times!
I luv U all!!!