
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Success

All told, things went pretty well tonight. Atticus refused to put on his costume, but agreed to wear his hat and his hoodie while trick-or-treating. So -- we just claimed that he was dressed up as a brooding teenager. :)

Atticus was lucky enough to go door to door with our neighbor from across the street, Zoe. Her mom, Summer, is awesome... That sounds a bit funny to say out loud, but making friends as an adult is TOUGH! So anyways... Wren dressed up as a pumpkin and rode in the wagon for the majority of our walk. It took Atticus about one house to figure out what was going on, and then he totally got it and was off like a shot following Zoe from house to house. Summer stayed in the street with the wagon and Wren and I would follow the kids to the door. I would gently prod Atticus to say "Trick Or Treat" -- which came out every time as "TREAT!!". Good thing he's cute! I would then tell him to say "Thank You" and he would do the sign for thank you. Funny, but even though he's repeating a ton of words and starting to string together little sentences -- he won't say the words "thank you" or "please" -- he'll only sign those. No clue why!

He had a blast - and other than right before we got home when he took off running down the middle of the street and scared the living daylights out of me because he wouldn't stop - the night was a success. He scarfed down two dum-dum suckers when we got home and went to bed with a bright blue tongue (and still calling out to Zoe).

And next year... dude, we're going to be in NEW OLEANS for Halloween. How freaking awesome is that going to be? The kids will be old enough so that no one is nursing... and the plan right now is to have the Grandparents come visit and watch the kiddos while the Morlans come visit us and all the adults get to go out for some vampiric goodness and otherwise general debauchery! Woot!!

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