
Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Little Things

Just wanted to share a few little things about each of the kids, lest I forget in my old age!

Atticus: He's using full sentences now. This morning he said, "Mommy take away Atti's blue blanket from Wren." He's also using Wren and "sister" interchangeably. He's gotten into a weird habit while eating of wanting to "show" you what he's eating. AKA the "see-food" diet. He's fascinated with bicycles and keeps asking for one for his birthday. He has an amazing memory and will mention things that happened nearly 6 months ago with regularity. His love/hate relationship with the vacuum cleaner still exists. He's fascinated with them, but petrified they will turn on. He always asks to see them when we go to Meijers or Target -- but covers his ears when we start down the aisle.

Wren: She giggles every night when I go to put lotion around her shoulders, neck and ears before putting on her pajamas. All I have to do is rub my hands together and she starts to giggle. She's mastered puffs and has taken a liking to Cheerios and Kix too. She loves the Plum Organics baby food -- and prefers when I squeeze it directly into her mouth instead of using the spoon. She's still using both hands and hasn't shown a true preference yet for right or left. Of table foods - I haven't really found anything yet that she doesn't like. Avocado, bananas, melon, pasta, pancakes, broccoli, steamed carrots... so far so good! She's figured out the jumperoo and will now bounce bounce bounce for longer periods of time. We're starting to do more sign language with her, but her vocal "skills" are still quite strong. She's a loud one - still lots of "talking" and "sqwuaking". She isn't pulling herself up yet - but she does a mean downward dog yoga pose.

I'm sure there's a lot more of the little day to day stuff to share -- but I wanted to write a few things down while I was thinking about them...

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