
Monday, June 20, 2011

Someone Call The Police?

Sigh... While I'm not 100% sure, I'm about 99% sure that Atticus accidentally summoned the Perrysburg Police Department to his daycare this morning. Yep. On our way into the building I was trying to juggle holding Wren and her bag along with Atticus's swim bag all while logging into the building. (There's a touch screen computer that you log the kids in/out of -- which unlocks the door to the facility.) I turned to grab Atticus while I was opening the main door to the facility and told Atticus to stop touching things and to help with the door. I'm pretty sure (if my memory holds) that he was touching the small panel that contains the keypad with the building security system. Now, why it's so low that a not even three year old can reach it is beyond me - but that's for another post...

We then went into the building, we dropped Wren in her classroom and Atticus and I went to see Mr. Joe for some breakfast. Atticus had a couple of scrambled eggs, a huge pancake and 75% of the Kid's Clif bar that he'd taken from the kitchen on our way out the door. This of course in addition to the donut he'd eaten at home before we left! (You'd think I never feed my kids!!)

Finished breakfast, I dropped Atticus off in his room and went about my day. When I arrived to pick up the kids from school, there was a message on my account. It read - please don't let your kids touch the security panel while you're entering and leaving the building. I thought it was just for us -- but apparently everyone saw the message. BUT.... I know deep down that it was Atticus who accidentally triggered the silent alarm and sent the police department to the facility.


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