
Friday, July 15, 2011

Potty Update

We are making some serious headway in the potty like a big boy movement. Granted, this now means that we spend an absurd amount of time in the bathroom -- but I think he's catching on. Atti will successfully pee every time he sits now. He's still going some in the diaper too, but I am happy with the progress of late. The big news came this week when he actually started peeing at school! Miss Amber gave him a small package of candy hearts (I'm sure that were left over from Valentines!!) and it got him all fired up. :-)

I'm trying to stay positive with every attempt and jump and cheer and perform the "potty dance" with each successful tinkle -- but I gotta tell you. When it's taking 1.5 hours for the bath/bedtime ritual because you have to go potty 4x, it gets a little old. Thankfully, I see a diaper free future on the horizon. Maybe Wren will train early and we'll be done done done in less than a year? Fingers crossed!! I'd like to move to NYC as a family of four that all wears big kid underpants!

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