
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Random Tuesday Thoughts

Atticus was using his thinking cap today -- we were behind a convertible car on the way home from school this afternoon when he asked me how the man was going to wash his car with no top?  I was surprised that he put two and two together for that one!

Wren has been having a ball playing in Atticus's Thomas the Tank play tent.  She loves it.  She may love it even more than Atti!  Thanks again Aunt Rhonda.  The tent and the Curious George puzzle from last year have been fan favorites lately!

I'd like to find a way to work for Pottery Barn Kids (or make friends with someone who works there).  My wishlist from that store is growing - and even with the employee discount, I could do some serious damage.  I sooooo should have bought more when I worked there.  I missed out on holiday decor for sure not to mention all sorts of other standard things.  Sigh.  Hindsight.

I'm really looking forward to my trip soon.  It will be my first time away from Wren since she was born.  Really.  I haven't spent a night away in 17 months.  Oy.  And - as an added bonus, I get to see old friends and attend a wedding.  Woot.

It seems that Greg and I are jinxed on our wedding anniversary.  In 2010, I flew out to San Diego to spend the weekend with Nicole (and Wren and Brad and Rhonda).  This year, I was stuck in Houston while Greg was in NOLA - granted, I was able to have a great weekend with my friend Amy and her family.  Now, we just found out that we'll be apart in 2012 as well.  Greg is going to be the best man for his friend Corey at their wedding in Indiana.  (I'm going on the assumption that the 4 of us won't be making the trek so soon after our move to NYC.)  Guess we'll shoot for a nice anniversary in 2013?

We've signed Atticus up for an intro to soccer course that starts in a couple of weeks.  That should prove interesting.  No shin guards or cleats or anything -- just a pretty basic intro class.  It's 6 weeks long and each week is only 40 minutes.  I'm a little nervous, but we'll see!

I'm sure there are other random tidbits that I've been meaning to write down before I forget them -- but of course I can't think of them at the moment!  More soon I'm sure.

1 comment:

Nicole Bernstein said...

RE jinxed on your anniversary: Earlier this year - Brad and I spent our anniversary driving from Austin to Dallas and ate dinner at 5Guys somewhere just south of Waco. Ehhhhh, not the romantic dinner I'd hoped for... BUT, we did make up for it a couple of weeks later when my mom came to stay with Nate so Brad and I could go out to celebrate our anniversary, Ruth's Chris-style. Well worth the wait :-)