
Thursday, November 10, 2011


I promise, we've been busy.  We've been busy with everything under the sun it seems like including another round of sick that's made the rounds.  Poor Wren seems to have gotten the brunt of it.  She's still coughing - and now she's got a sinus infection and possibly a new tooth to add to her misery.  She just got over a stomach bug of some unknown variety last week and now this!  It's so hard when you know something hurts, but you don't know what!!!

We've also begun in earnest our search for housing and preschools for New York City.  The big decision that needs to be made is suburbs vs. city living.  That's one.  The second is whether or not we apply for private pre-K or just start off at a stand alone nursery school and then really get into the mess of things the following year.  Oy vey.  It's really stressful.

We have found several schools that sound great.  My favorite at the moment is called Avenues.  It's a brand new school slated to open in September 2012.  The credentials of those founding the school are amazing and I really believe in their philosophy.  So... do we give it a go?  If we get in, Atticus could possibly be one of the first kids to start at the brand new school and follow through to graduation.  That would be kind of cool.  I love that this is the first campus of several others that are planned all over the world.  I love the international and global flair.  I love that the program is nursery through graduation.  I don't love the $40K a year tuition.  Yes, you read that right.  $40,000 EVERY YEAR.  Good grief, that's way more than my own college education and it downright rivals the cost of Greg's masters and law degrees!  A huge consideration.

Then there's little birdie.  Where will she go?  She's too young for formal "nursery" school -- so she will be at a different location from Atticus most likely.  Oy.  Just try to imagine the logistics of getting one off to daycare, one off to pre-K, one off to the big "firm" job and me off to the home office (I hope) or possibly the local NYC office.  I know millions of folks do actually do it -- but HOW?  Or rather, how do they do all that and still manage to run a house (laundry, cooking, cleaning)?  I was half serious and half joking -- but I've asked our neighbor from Ohio if she wants to move up there with us for a bit!  She's trying to figure out where her life is headed -- and NYC is a great place for her.  And, if there's the added bonus of a place to stay for her if she helps ferry the kids off to school(s) while getting her own ducks in a row.  It would sort of buy some time for both of us.  Might work, might not -- but something to add to the mix of things to ponder!

Oh... we've also started our soccer lessons with Atticus, our weekly OT sessions and a parenting seminar.  It's a wee bit crazy.

We don't have any plans yet for the holidays, so if you find that you too are "homeless" and in need of some attention - please let us know and you'll always be welcome here in NOLA!!

Oh, and I have tons of new pics and videos.  I'm trying to get Picasa to automatically sync with my iPhotos -- so let me know if you are having trouble accessing anything.  It's still a work in progress (with me ending up with more versions of the same picture that I care to admit -- but that's just some behind the scenes clean-up that I need to deal with!).

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