
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

In Preparation

In preparation for yet another move.. we've begun "the cleanse".  You know, the now seemingly annual ritual of summer cleaning that involves clearing out closets, file cabinets, the pantry etc etc.  Knock on wood, we're still eating relatively normally -- but there are definitely fewer choices to be had.  We're munching our way though boxes of pasta, random snacks and a few odds and ends in the freezer.  :)  I've collected a box of shoes for donation, a box of clothes and some random electronics too.  The moving company is coming tomorrow morning for our walk through and to help get us some estimates on timing for our departure from NO and our arrival into NYC.

While there are still many things we haven't experienced here in New Orleans, we're ready to go.  Wren hasn't gotten to visit the zoo in Audubon Park and I know the kids would love to go back to the Aquarium.  The kids would also like to go back to City Park and the Storybook Play area inside.  We may still do that if it's not impossibly hot one weekend.... The other option for this weekend is to go by Hansen's Sno-Bliz, which I hear is the best place in town for sno-balls.  And for those curious, apparently sno-balls are COMPLETELY different than the average sno-cone!  :)  Hansen's even has it's own webiste!  That should be an easy one to check off the NOLA to-do list before we head out!

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