
Monday, September 17, 2012

Freaking Out

It's 11:23 pm on Monday night.  The kids and I are due to fly up to NYC tomorrow morning.  Because we have spent so much time here in Texas this trip - we have a ton of stuff that isn't going to make it on the flight.  I think we'll be shipping 4 or 5 small moving boxes worth of stuff via UPS.  Dude.  That's just nuts.  Granted, traveling with small kids requires an army of special pillows, blankets, "guys" etc, to the tune of one entire carry-on suitcase... but eeeek.  That's a lot of boxes to ship.

Ok.  Time to finish packing said carry-on bags (which will be shipped), the diaper bag, the backpack, the kids' backpacks...

Oh - and if you happen to read this before tomorrow afternoon -- could you say a little silent prayer that allows us to get to NYC on time?  Mother Nature is attempting to throw another wicked thunderstorm our way and I could really use some help in asking for a few hour delay on that storm....

Soon to be City Dwelling Badens

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