
Monday, January 26, 2015

Get Thee To The GYM

I told myself while I was traveling that upon my return to London, I was going to join the gym.  Good news - I actually joined the gym.  Depending upon how you look at it, the gym is 1.3 miles away by foot.  I think this is generally seen as positive?  More exercise, right?  So, even if I only walk there and back - I've already logged 2.6 miles.  Not bad.

Shockingly, I've actually been going.  It's taking a while to ease back into the swing of things, but it does feel good to be back.  I've even taken a couple of Zumba classes.  I think I may have mentioned those already... it's like Club Med crazy signs on speed.  Dip, salsa, spin, jump, gyrate.... Good fun.

Alas... the working out thing is making me starving!  So, now that I'm actually working out again, I need to tailor my grocery shopping to match.  Fingers crossed I can start doing that soon.  But, for now, I'm just happy I'm working out again.  I know my heart and muscles will thank me later.

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