
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Parent Teacher Conferences

Well... that was the plan for this morning, but let's back up a bit...

The plan was to let Atticus do Running Club this morning with the big kids from 7:50am till 8:30am.  We would drop Wren at school with one of the of the nursery teachers for 15 minutes while Greg and I chatted with Atticus's main teacher.

Oh, if only life were so simple...

Atticus and I did make it to Running on time.  Only minor drama because Greg and I aren't letting him wear his brand new trainers (tennis shoes) for running in the muddy common.  I know they'll get dirty eventually, I just really had hoped he could wear them a time or two before tromping through the mud.  I may cave by next Tuesday, we'll see... Instead of trainers, he was in his football boots (soccer cleats).  From all accounts, this worked just fine.

Greg was walking with Wren and apparently Wren was feeling uber chatty and not in any kind of rush to get to school.  I went ahead and went into the meeting alone.  Now, the teacher and I have been chatting more regularly lately since we've returned from the Christmas holidays, so I knew what to expect.  Essentially - since we've returned, Atticus hasn't quite been himself.  He's just been "off" and we've heard that from a few of his teachers including the head of sports!  Huh?  He wasn't concentrating in sports?  Red flag.

So - a bit of jet lag.  A possible growth spurt (you should see how much he's eating at the moment), the hum drum dreariness of London winter when you can't get outside as much and the realization that he's at his half way mark.  Historically, Atticus tends to act up more at his half years - starting way back at 1.5 years old.  There is a book series that was recommended to me by my cousin written by Louise Bates Ames.  Here are some of her BOOKS.  I actually haven't read the recent ones, but I may have to order the Six Year Old book.  In his early years, Atticus was textbook!  But, who knows.  In the meantime, I'm going to track the days that he wakes up of his own accord and the days that I wake him for school.  I honestly think there's a correlation to how he acts in school on the days that I have to wake him in the mornings....

And - my neighbor is coming over later tonight so Greg and I can have a dinner date out.  Yay.  One of the many reasons I'm enjoying London.  Our babysitter lives next door and we can have regular date nights.

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