
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Half Term

I swear, just as my kids were settling back into the routine of school -- it was time for half term.  For some reason, the schools here think that giving the kids a one week break after only a 4.5 weeks back in school is a good idea.  The teachers claim they're tired.  Really?  Really?

So - I signed the kids up for two days of a small local camp.  We met up with a handful of school friends for a crazy morning at Gambados yesterday and tomorrow we've got friends coming over for a morning/lunch play date.

In addition to all that - we've celebrated #PancakeDay at Breakfast Club and had a trip to see the GP because Wren decided to have a wheezy breathing issue and Atticus has broken out in a weird rash.  Oh, and we've built new LEGO.  There's always LEGO.

We're debating getting away this weekend -- but with G's schedule, we never know what will happen.
I've also started taking a few photos of a guy I see in Clapham Common on my way home from the gym.  The first time I saw him, he was having an intense conversation with a tree.  Today, he had headphones on and was just dancing while looking at a different tree.  He seems to be enjoying himself though...

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