
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Family and Accomplishments

Atticus and I spent the day with family! Nikki and Zoe came over this morning and we enjoyed a yummy lunch at Hyde Park Bar and Grill. Man those french fries are good! This afternoon we took a trip up to Georgetown to visit with the Great Grandparents. Atti of course was showing off his new moves - he rolled from back to belly a few times, smiled some big goofy grins, and for the first time, rolled from his belly to back! Quite exciting I promise.

In bum news... it appears Atti may have a touch of Greg's cold. :-( He's been super sneezy today and then tonight, his eyes were a bit puffy and watery. I talked to my friend Angie (the nurse) and so far, we're doing everything right. We're putting saline drops in his nose and we've got the humidifier running in the bedroom. As long as there is no fever and the eye goo is clear - we won't have to go into the doc's office.

For now... it's late and I'm headed to bed.

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