
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sign Language

I checked out a video from the library a week ago to learn baby sign language. I miss the library. I don't know why it's taken me so long to rediscover it. It's a great place. They give you books FOR FREE. Crazy, I know!

Greg and I now know the signs for food, drink, more, milk, all done, mommy, daddy, cat, dog, and a few others. I think Atti's favorite will be frog. He giggles everytime he makes the frog make noise on his See-and-Say.

Atticus has been giggling a lot more lately at all kinds of things. This past weekend he started giggling in Target for no apparent reason. He had the paci in his mouth and something just struck his fancy and he was enjoying the sound of himself laughing with the paci. We made noises back and forth for close to an hour - which made the shopping go by much quicker!! This past Tuesday, I had a doctors appointment and while we were waiting, everytime I said the word giggle he laughed. It was great. He did that for close to 20 minutes! Last night, he found the word banana quite humourous. (Or maybe it was the way Greg was saying banana-nana.) Who knows. I'm definitely enjoying the laughs and the goofy little grin.

If I didn't share this link with you and you want to see some great photos with that goofy grin... Check out Atti's 6 month photo shoot pictures. Hopefully this link to the Smile Store will work!


April Seeds said...

There are great videos called "Signing Time" we used with the kiddos and it was very helpful! I have passed them on otherwise you could have them. It makes for less frustration for the baby.

Jeanne and Brad Wallace said...

Yes, Signning Time is a fabulous series, but I found it best once they were a little closer to 1 year. I have a video you should borrow for right now, its great, and aimed at teaching the littler ones. Signing makes much less frustration for baby for sure!