
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween Weekend

Trick-Or-Treat. I returned home from my cousin Daryl’s wedding to find Atticus sitting calmly on Greg’s lap in the living room. Crud, I thought – he’s still sick. Atticus never sits still unless he doesn’t feel well. He was still running a fever, so we gave him one more dose of Motrin. Within the hour, he was feeling better and running around. I pulled out the Yoda costume to get him ready for the plethora of kids that were about to bombard our house. The Yoda “hat” had been attached to the robes, so I hadn’t actually tried it on Atticus. Apparently that was a mistake. Just because it said 2T and Little Man is only 15 months, I thought the hat would fit, but it wouldn’t snap under his chin! Ugh. So, instead of being Yoda, Atticus was just a little Jedi. He still looked awfully cute. He had a great time going up to the door to look outside and see all the trick-or-treaters. I think next year, we’ll have to go door to door with him – at least for 45 minutes or so…

The wedding was fun too. Stephanie looked beautiful, and Daryl was decked out in a full kilt! Seriously. That was a surprise to me! And – to make it all a bit more authentic, the preacher/minister/clergyman was actually Irish! (Sorry I don’t know the proper terminology for the clergy!!) The ceremony was a small affair, but very nice. After the ceremony, most of the friends and family hung out outside the church – they had beautiful grounds, while pictures took place. Funny thing, I actually got sunburned on my shoulders! We then packed up and headed a few miles down the road to the B&B where my cousins were staying. There was a full blown Halloween themed reception. It was a lot of fun, especially for the kiddos! There were punch balloons, grab bags of Halloween candy, ghosts hanging from the trees, cobwebs strewn about, etc. Even the silverware was rolled and held together with little black spider rings. The catering was done by my other cousin Raymond and his wife Angela. Yummmmm… Gotta love homemade BBQ. Slow smoked brisket, sausage, beans, potato salad, etc. I’m going to miss BBQ when we got to Ohio…

Sunday was thankfully low-key. Atticus woke up fever free - and the weather was fab.u.lous so we headed to the park for the majority of the day. We ran, we went down the slide, we played in the rocks, we swang on the swings, we climbed the playscape... and then we did it all over and over and over again! Atticus was in bed about 730 and I was asleep about 8pm!! It wears a girl out chasing a toddler all over the park!

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