
Monday, February 23, 2009

Seriously People?

Ok... this is just a rant.

When you're dining at a restaurant, and that restaurant is busy... when you're done with your meal, do you just sit there and talk amongst yourselves for hours? Or do you take note that there are 50 other people waiting for your table and take your conversation to the coffee shop next door?

To make matters worse - it was OBVIOUS that a large table was waiting to be seated. The restaurant host had put two tables together, set out the glasses of water, etc. There was a tray with the remaining 4 glasses of water sitting, waiting for the table of girls to get up and leave. They were done with their meal. They were done when we arrived. They were done when the large group said "two peas in a bucket" and decided to split up. They were done when we were sat. They were done when our food came and when we paid our bill.

These four girls were STILL sitting at their table when we left! I know there's something to be said for the fact that they came, they ate, they paid, yada yada - but seriously people... have some manners. Take a look at your surroundings and take your conversation outside. It was a nice night. Go next door, grab some coffee and gelato and a table... I don't know how the restaurant manager kept his cool. I wanted to go over to them and say, really... you just don't care that you've now split up a family and forced other people to wait while you sit and talk??? And, you've cost your server at least the tip of one more table!

Grrrr. It was annoying.

Vent over.


I'm a sucker for little people in need. Especially when they're local. This is a heart wrenching story about a little guy who's having a rough start in life. I first read about Ike on one of the crafty knitting blogs I follow, but I'm finding that each day, I'm checking Ike's blog to see how he's doing. Check out Ike-a-saurus. This link will go to the home page, but the About Ike tab has more on his story. His Mom also has a blog called Haiku of the Day. There hasn't been much poetry up lately.

Maybe it's hormones. Maybe it's seeing his cute cute face, but I wanted to help spread the word. You never know who you know that can help.

Keep fighting little man.

Crawling Backwards

Ta dah! Atticus managed to scoot backwards yesterday. I was impressed. He put his head down on the blaket, scrunched up his legs and then pushed with his arms to scoot backwards. He did it about 5 or 6 times in a row. The forward motion is coming soon. We'd best prepare.

We did order the carpet squares for his room over the weekend. We ordered the FLOR system which are 20" carpet squares. We got the Walk The Line pattern in Truffle. It's got some texture, but it's subtle and will hopefully grow with him from nursery to big boy room. And, well, if not - we can keep it for the office. :-) It's a really pretty milk chocolatey color. I think it will go well with the pale green walls and hopefully whatever decor we choose to keep later on.

Ok...lunch is almost over. I snapped a picture of the boys yesterday at the reunion and I'll try to update the blog with the pic later tonight!

Spoke Too Soon

Just when I thought we had a new sleeping pattern (one that let me sleep) Atti's woken up twice the past couple nights. Yesterday, I could almost see it coming since we disrupted his afternoon for our Birth Class Reunion. He had just fallen asleep when we got there, but not wanting to miss anything refused to stay sleeping after we walked in the door!!


The reunion was good. Everyone that showed had little boys! New friends for Atticus. Alton, Connor, Dane & Orlando! I'm looking forward to seeing them again. Hopefully after some more sleep (both for Atti and for Mommy!!).

Sent from my cool new iPhone!

Friday, February 20, 2009

7 Months Old

I'm experimenting with the "You Tube" feature on our new camera.

Monday, February 16, 2009

February Thus Far

I've updated the Picasa site for both January and February...

But here's a sneak peek at the Feb photos:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


My New Favorite Face

I should clarify... this is Atti's new favorite face. I call it the "Grumpy Old Man" face. He tucks his lips in and just sort of puffs out his cheeks. It's odd, but he seems to like doing it. :-)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bright Shiney Day

This makes two nights in a row that Atticus has slept from 9 pm until just after 6 am. Life is good. To make my day even better, after he nursed this morning, he just snuggled with me, laying peacefully on my shoulder for another 10 minutes or so.

It was a great start to the day.

Next up - a trip to Ikea to return some lampshades, then lunch with friends at the Drafthouse. I also need to pick up some care package items for Nicole, hit the grocery, call the FLOR people, upload some photos, mail a few cards, run the dishes, prep everything for tonight, look for something to wear to Nic's wedding, book the London hotel and tours... I know I'm forgetting something!!

My only other thought of the day... Mazel Tov to Jodi and Seth Weisblatt who welcomed a son yesterday afternoon. Boys are great!

Sent from my cool new iPhone!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sign Language

I checked out a video from the library a week ago to learn baby sign language. I miss the library. I don't know why it's taken me so long to rediscover it. It's a great place. They give you books FOR FREE. Crazy, I know!

Greg and I now know the signs for food, drink, more, milk, all done, mommy, daddy, cat, dog, and a few others. I think Atti's favorite will be frog. He giggles everytime he makes the frog make noise on his See-and-Say.

Atticus has been giggling a lot more lately at all kinds of things. This past weekend he started giggling in Target for no apparent reason. He had the paci in his mouth and something just struck his fancy and he was enjoying the sound of himself laughing with the paci. We made noises back and forth for close to an hour - which made the shopping go by much quicker!! This past Tuesday, I had a doctors appointment and while we were waiting, everytime I said the word giggle he laughed. It was great. He did that for close to 20 minutes! Last night, he found the word banana quite humourous. (Or maybe it was the way Greg was saying banana-nana.) Who knows. I'm definitely enjoying the laughs and the goofy little grin.

If I didn't share this link with you and you want to see some great photos with that goofy grin... Check out Atti's 6 month photo shoot pictures. Hopefully this link to the Smile Store will work!

Open Wide

The light bulb clicked yesterday. Every time I lifted a spoonful of bananas towards his mouth, instead of sticking out his tongue (which was cute the first few times...) he opened wide so I could scoop the bananas in. Yay! Success. We have also tried green beans (earlier this week) and those seemed to go pretty well too. He's still not too thrilled with the rice cereal - but I'm going to take some suggestions and try mixing the fruit and the cereal later today.

Or, if he decides that cereal isn't for him... perhaps we'll just move right along with the regular foods. I know to wait a few days after introducing one new food to make sure there's no reaction... We do have some video and some pictures of the "food experience" and I'll try to free the footage from the camera sometime soon.

Thanks to Jeanne for passing along this website called Wholesome Baby Food. The site has tons of great information! I aspire to one day be as good a cook as Jeanne. Seriously folks, she's good. And while we're discussing my dear friend - I'd like to say Mazal Tov - to her and her family. They just found out that she's expecting a BOY! Boys are great.

In other non-related news... all of the holiday pictures have been posted to Picasa. Check out the Baden Family Photos link on the right hand side of the page!