
Monday, March 1, 2010

28 Weeks!

I had my 28 week appointment this morning. I thought by setting up the appointment at 7:15 a.m. I wouldn't have a wait... Sigh.

But anywho-

Things are right on track. My weight is going up a little faster than I'd like, but Dr. Seeker didn't seem too concerned. He says as long as my weight gain is below the number of weeks pregnant I am - we're OK. I had to glug glug down the sugary glucose drink and have my finger pricked and then I saw Dr. Seeker. My glucose numbers and CBC numbers all came back great. No gestational diabetes worry, no iron pills needed, and my cell counts looked good. Yay. We did a quick sonogram to check measurements of baby baby. Overall, we're at about 40% on the size and weight chart. The legs were long however... so a tall and skinny baby. I'll take it. Measuring today at 2lbs and 12 oz.

I also scheduled all my remaining appointments! Yikes, we're getting close!

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