
Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Lessons learned:

Cat vomit comes out of the sofa cushion better than the water stain I added when trying to clean the slipcover before taking it to the dry cleaner. Even the dry cleaner couldn’t remove the stains. Joy. $10 to clean the cushion and I might as well have just run it through the washing machine with OxyClean. (I may still do this…)

Magic eraser will only remove so much orange crayon from cream colored suede. (No wonder so many glider rockers come in denim…)

Putting the router to your wireless network in the baby’s room is a bad idea – especially when it’s taking your toddler at least an hour to fall asleep and the router is on the fritz and needs to be reset at least once a night. This is seriously hindering my ability to get anything done online this evening. (I’m typing this in Word so that I can upload it later.)

The lack of an office and dedicated study space in the house is going to drive me nuts. Thankfully we’re nearing the end of exams – but then we have to start BAR Prep, which I think will be even worse. I’m going to have to invest in headphones like my father wears so that I can watch tv while Greg studies!

Good friends are hard to come by – and it really sucks when they live far away.

In other random news, while at dinner tonight, Atticus saw a fly on the window and said, “bee, bee”. I was pretty impressed.

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