
Monday, August 2, 2010


There's a lot of change going on for Atticus right now. That's rough for a new 2 year old. The result of all this change has been some acting out and recently - throwing. This morning was challenging to say the least. He threw two pictures off of my parent's mantle thingy and then he threw the sit and spin. Throwing things with glass and heavy objects does not make Mommy happy. He hit me with one of the frames and the sit and spin and when 30 minutes later he threw a photo/frame at his sister he got in big trouble. I think I scared Atticus, Wren and the dog when I shouted NO THROWING. Atticus and I had a big talk and our longest time out to date. I know he's frustrated and confused and trying to piece all the changes together -- but throwing is not allowed.

We're going to head up to a local splash pad when he wakes up and try and get rid of some of this excess energy!

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