
Friday, July 8, 2011


On a slight whim, I picked up the kiddos about 30 minutes early this afternoon and we headed over to Sand-Tastic at Levis Commons. Atticus was a hoot. I had Wren strapped into the Ergo, so I wasn't able to really "dig" in to the sand -- but after about 15 minutes of skirting around the edge of the ginormous sandbox, Atti finally got up the nerve to go in. When you've got some sensory issues -- the feeling of sand on your bare feet has to be a new and potentially jarring feeling. But - he did really well. He grabbed a shovel and a pail and was moving sand from one bucket to another and generally having fun. Of course, it was getting near to dinner time, and I was on my own, but I bucked up and decided to be brave and walk across the parking lot and take the kids to Johnny Rockets. It went better than expected behavior wise. It was actually Wren who had the first melt down -- but I blame it on fatigue. She was just plain ole tired. Then, Atticus wanted to go into the "kitchen" of the restaurant and I was afraid I was going to dislocate his arm trying to keep him from doing so! Three year olds can be a *wee bit stubborn when they make up their minds! Granted, Atticus didn't eat anything (even though we ordered what he'd asked for...) and then decided at 8:30 when he was crawling into bed that he was hungry. Oy. I'm probably a bad Mom, but at that point I had to say sorry bud... we'll have a big breakfast tomorrow. Wren on the other hand had a Fiddlestick before we left daycare, then while Atticus was digging in the sand, she had a Mum Mum and a pouch of baby food. Then, she also proceeded to eat 3/4 of a grilled cheese sandwich at the restaurant. The little lady can pack it in -- she apparently does not have any issues eating most anything at anytime!

It was fun. I'm debating on going back again tomorrow afternoon... we'll have to see how the naps go and how hot it is when the kids wake up!!

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