
Friday, September 30, 2011


Oy... I'm such a bad blog Mom.  I haven't posted in 10 days.  Sheesh.  Well, let's see what's been going on?  Greg came down with some mystery illness and spent four days curled up on a ball on the sofa until I made him go to the urgent care last Sunday.  That was a treat.  I attended a Newcomer's party thrown by the local Jewish Federation that was quite delightful.  I met some great folks, and had the chance to hob nob with some of NOLA's finest including an acclaimed chef.  Too bad I only got to try a tiny portion of what he'd cooked!  I must make a point to visit his restaurant and say hello in the near future.  Can't hurt to have a critically acclaimed chef as a friend, now can it?  :-)  Oh, and I also attended services for Rosh Hashana yesterday at Touro Synagogue.  Beautiful sanctuary.  Amazing ceiling and stained glass... wow!

We're still settling in a bit.  We now have a small kitchen table - yay.  Wren also has a dresser, but it's still in a box at the top of the stairs.  I"m hoping that since we're all mostly healthy - perhaps we can get it put together this weekend.  I'm not sure what else this weekend holds for us.  Atticus has been asking to ride the trolley -- so perhaps we'll give that a go.  I'm sure the park will factor in sometime as well, especially if the weather dips into the 80s.  Woo hoo -- come on fall.... (I hear it's going to get down to the 40s up in Ohio!!)

Ok... I'm off to figure out dinner before I have to get the crew!  Wishing everyone a sweet new year!

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