
Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Random Acts of Kindness.  I think this is practice that needs to be revived.  Wouldn't it just make you feel a wee bit better to know that you did something small but just generally nice for someone today?  Pay for the toll for the person behind you.  Leave the extra 15 cents in the vending machine for the next person to find.  Stash a one dollar bill in the "kid" section at the dollar store.  Let the totally stressed out mom with the screaming kid cut in line at the grocery store -- something, anything.

I was thinking a lot about this after reading a blog post about a woman who did 30 something random acts on her 30 something birthday.  I wanted to link up to the blog here to tell you all about it, but I couldn't remember the specifics.  So I googled.  Apparently, it's a bit of a trend and I like it.

Birthday Random Acts of Kindness

Who cares if it's your birthday?  Just do something nice.  Smile.  Say hello.  Let a car turn in front of you... try to be the better person.  I think we'll all be a little bit better off.

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