
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Politics, Smolitics...

I've decided that FB really isn't the place to voice my political values or my personal thoughts on most deep matters.  This may not be the best venue either... but here's an abbreviated version of my two cents.

Chick-fil-A serves great food.  They have fantastic service with genuinely caring employees.  I needed to get out of the house today and since we can't go to the parks or any other outdoor setting (hot, muggy, rainy, west nile carrying mosquitos...) we headed to CFA for dinner and to play.  The employees helped me wrangle the kids while ordering.  They brought the food over to my table.... the woman who took my order caught me looking around with a funny look and came over to see if I needed anything.  (We had just started eating when Atticus decided he needed to go to the bathroom!)  The lovely employee actually sat down at the table and stayed with Wren so I could take Atticus to the restroom.  Seriously.  And then she refilled my sweet tea.

I don't agree with the Mr. Cathy's views, but that's OK.  I don't have to.  I appreciate the majority of his values and I think the company as a whole does good things within the communities where they operate.  I think it's ridiculous for people to want to ban a restaurant from operating within city limits because you don't agree with their views.  I think it's wrong for people to vandalize a restaurant because you disagree with someone's opinion.  I think it's wrong to give money to organizations that promote hate of anyone.  I think it's wrong to hate someone you've never met.  I think it's wrong to think that your way of thinking is the only way of thinking.  I also think it's OK to disagree.  That's one of the joys of living here.  We don't have to agree.  You like drinking from plastic cups and I prefer glass - that's OK.  You like to wear socks with your sandals and I think you look ridiculous.  That's OK too.  Etc, etc.

I'm starting to think there needs to be a Karma party.  Just be a good person.  Be nice to those around you.  Don't do bad things.  I suppose that's the problem tho... we each have our own idea of what "good" means.  Sigh.

Eh.  Will I probably eat less CFA knowing that they donate money to organizations I disagree with - maybe.  I certainly won't announce going forward to anyone when I choose to eat or not eat there.  Oy. I'm not sure I'm making any sense.  It's late and I'm just typing because I don't want to call someone this late on a random Saturday night.  :)

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