
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hurricane Isaac

Pretty crappy timing for a freaking hurricane to hit New Orleans, LA.  I mean really?  The day before the packers and moving truck is headed to the Baden house a hurricane changes courses to head (and ultimately hit) NOLA?  Oy vey!  I really thought we were going to make it a full 12 months without having to endure a hurricane - but who was I kidding?  This is me.  Record snowfall - check.  Hurricane - check.  Record heat wave and number of days over 100 degrees - check.  Honestly, San Diego is starting to sound more and more appealing....

But back to the present natural disaster....

The kids and I packed up a bit earlier than planned and headed to Dallas while Greg stayed in NO to weather the storm.  I have to say, I'm rather glad we were only renting that house and we were not the actual owners.  You'd think new construction would have held up slightly better than it did.  The door from the master bedroom onto the balcony apparently was leaking something awful.  This is right above the main entry way to the house.  Greg sent pictures of the light in our entryway that was swimming with standing water.  Good thing there was no electricity, eh?  There was also quite a bit of water damage to that part of the ceiling (big surprise).  Most of the windows leaked a bit and one of the fans on our back patio apparently was knocked loose and swung all over the place.  Miraculously it didn't break the kitchen window even though it managed to whack a pillar to pieces and destroy the light/fan.  Greg said there was also random water leaking/standing in the master bath?  At least it's a room that can get wet?!?

The movers were finally able to get in with the moving van on Friday, August 31 to pack up the rest of the house and load the van.  Apparently, they finished using flashlights since there was still NO electricity.  YUCK. 

All of our worldly belongings are now on their journey up to the city (not counting the truck full I carted here to Dallas and our storage unit).  :-)  Let's hope there isn't any other record amount of snowfall this winter -- it's one thing to drive in it and an entirely different discussion when you have to walk with two toddlers in the snow!  That's going to be a real treat. Ha!

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